Dame Doria (DC) Cordova, PhD (Hon.), CEO, Global Business Developer, Sustainability Entrepreneur, Ambassador of New Education, Mentor of Nurturing
Dame Doria (DC) Cordova, Ph.D (Hon.)
CEO / Owner of Excellerated Business Schools® / Money & You® – the organization
that brought to the world entrepreneurial, experiential, transformational training
programs (now both off- and online) since 1979 with over 200,000 graduates from over
85 countries.
The renowned Money & You® program has inspired some of today’s best-known
business education and wealth experts, thus it has touched the lives of tens of millions
globally, including through the first Rich Dad book, which was authored by her business
partner of 9 years (1985 – 1994), Robert Kiyosaki. Many of today’s wealth and business
leaders have attended the Money & You program and transformed the way they teach
and run their organizations. The essence of her work is to not only focus on the bottom
line and profits but also to offer products and services which add value to humanity.
Dame Doria is a Global Business Developer for organizations that are in alignment with
her purpose: to uplift humanity’s consciousness through socially responsible business.
One of her missions is to transform educational systems around the world and eradicate
poverty and hunger. Another is the greening of the world. All the endeavors that she is
involved in must be in alignment with those missions..
She is a best-selling author. She has published the Money & You® Book Series which
educates the masses with tools, techniques, and principles tens of millions use to reach
financial and personal success. In addition, she is one of the contributors to the Think &
Grow Rich for Women book, and the author of the comprehensive systems
manual, Money-Making Systems.
She is a sought-after keynote speaker; and has been in countless digital events,
podcasts, and films. She has been featured in many book series; and has written many
forewords for books written by graduates of her programs and notable wealth,
transformational leaders.
She is a humanitarian and philanthropist who supports numerous non-profits,
foundations, and humanitarian organizations as a mentor and champion. She is now
leading this work through the Doria Cordova Foundation.
For more information about Dame Doria Cordova and her work:
Money & You®: http://www.MoneyandYou.com
Global Excellerated Business School: http://www.GlobalExcelleratedBusinessSchool.com
Access To Cash Online Course: www.MoneyandYou.com/Access
Chinese Excellerated Business Schools / Money & You Programs: http://doersasean.com
Doria Cordova Foundation: https://doriacordovafoundation.org/
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/dccordova/
Facebook Personal Page: http://www.facebook.com/dccordova
Facebook Fan Page: http://facebook.com/dccordovafriends
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/damedccordova/
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/DCCordova @MoneyandYou @DCCordova
Money & You: YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCntJZxxjDFtjL2cpXZAwiUg/videos
Radio Interviews with Masters: http://www.MoneyandYouRadio.com
Live Interview with Grant Lewers: http://www.theroomlive.com
E-mail: info@moneyandyou.com
Office Phone: + 1-619-224-8880
Join Doria in Social Media!
Partners & Alliances:
Download Dame Doria Cordova’s Best Selling Book Access to Cash– A New Definition of Wealth Download Here

Download As a gift from Doria Cordova, download her Excellerated Business Success Model e-book at: www.MoneyandYou.com